Get in touch!

Submit this form to ask a question, post local events, or provide comments about Guffey. If appropriate, the request is emailed to all members of the Guffey Shares email list.

If you would like to announce a local event, please complete the form, including the dates and times of the event. The Guffey Community Association (GCA) administrator may reach out to confirm additional details.

Please allow 1-2 days for the GCA to publish content. If your request requires an immediate response, select the Urgent option. We will do our best to respond quickly.

Stay Informed!

To join the Guffey Shares Email List, complete the Sign-up form on the Home page. You will be automatically added to the subscriber list.

Guffey Shares Guidelines

As in years past, we monitor all email requests before sending the email to our subscribers. When composing your message, we ask that you respect all individuals in our community, regardless of their personal or political affiliations. Click here to read our guidelines.